Tuesday, October 27, 2009

halo, it been so long i been blog, same words very sianzz......
about 2 months at ST, pros and cons there, but i quite enjoyed the friends there...... hahaha
Still remember one of my ST friend, Hoon Cheng.....21st birthday celebrate at ST, so sad, but she still have us instead buying a cake, we bought a curry fish head to celebrate her birthday lol.....new idea men that i first came across hahaha, from Yang Guang
Great..... having fun there with them, hahaha but at least i got do something...... majority of them are from TP, oh men!!! Outnumbered by TP students.......oops, know some of the colleagues there not bad some very guai lan...... also must tks my assist super, shih yeong who assist me along although wat he says is abit hurting....eh hei
i read til here men, see u.......

just one more month to go>>>>>>>^^

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