Monday, September 28, 2009

Wow, so fast about 1 month in the company, but felt that the time is going very slowly and wanted to escape from there......
Struggling with my project partner, still doesnt fully know the codings,
my supervisor wan us to do 3 different things..... do simple & fun application in iPhone stimulator, the application can be able to communicate across iPod Touch and Mac PC maybe using API i dunno, and another one is doing the Dock Menu bar.....hahaha
I also dunno wat to do leh, and need to be completed at the end of attachment, plus my partner will leaving one week earlier den me >.<
Just hope will be ok and pass quickly, overcome it......

Hei girl, how have u been lately these days??? so long nv heard from u......hahaha take care oh, my friends too take care.....see u around

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

halo babes and handsomes, hahaha so long nv blog
Been busy these days doing attachment and also lazy sia
Day by day, today is the 8th day in attachment..... Quite ok there at least have biscuits coffee/milo to release stress, and still can logon to fantasy football for BPL and Champions League......

Lately been researching on "apple", using Mac OS, program on XCode and Interface builder..... been using iMac PC all this while and my project partner using iMini hahaha....
As now we need to do iPhone applications so yah have to move in to Objective-C programming oops!!! sounds very new to me men, at least maybe in these 3 months i can learn freshly stuffs.....
They gave us an iPod Touch to test our applications, cool i having now in hand lol

So just do try do try oh, hahaha
and so long nv see her since last week, it feels like years nv saw her, isn't it called missing someone badly???? hahaha yes indeed i missed her "thick-skinned" aiyo
ok ah, continue to my apple journey.....see u^^

take care......