Sunday, May 17, 2009

hei hei, still got the time to update this, hahaha
Still remember the first time i met someone in lib and chat with each other smoothly happily, and til we together.....
But now,..... suddenly i became not "thick-skinned" and dare not to say out anything to another someone, feel so awkward in that situation, oh my god!!!
Is she avoiding/running away from me??? perhaps i think too much either or anot
Friday went to cg house do some NE report, zj came also, den we headed to vivo for dinner.....
1st time go pub to have a drink, FruitBrewed......ok not bad, but i dunno whether zh is high or tired hahaha
Later drank dunno wat the name, and suck the lemon, cool men...... but i hope i seldom go there coz the price is not cheap men.....
Sat go for maths lesson, go raj house continue do NE and watch ManUtd Arsenal match, yeah ManUtd won the BPL trophy^^Glory Glory ManUtd!!!
Today nothing to do, trying to figure out the PHP problem.....
Is this LOVE the real meaning???? check this out.......
L is for the way you look at her~
O is for only way you see
V is very very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore

Hope so..... tml will be a new week, jiayou!!^^ see u

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